Best Headphones For Toddlers On Plane

Traveling can be overwhelming, especially with toddlers. In-flight entertainment can make the flight more comfortable for both parents and kids. However, with the increasing use of technology on flights, it can be challenging to keep your toddlers entertained, especially with airplane noise. The solution is to get the right headphones to keep them entertained and not disturb the other passengers. Here is a guide to the Best headphones for toddlers on planes.

Best headphones for toddlers on plane

Why Do Toddlers Need Headphones on Planes?

Headphones are recommended for toddlers on a plane for various reasons. First, it’s courteous to the other passengers to minimize noise disturbance. Additionally, due to background noise, it can be challenging for a toddler to hear the audio from the airplane’s sound system. If they wear headphones, they can hear the audio without bothering others. 

Factors to Consider When Choosing Headphones for Toddlers on Planes

Before selecting Headphones for toddlers on the plane, here are a few factors you need to consider, adding:


Your toddler’s age is crucial when choosing headphones for toddlers on a plane. Make sure the headphones you select are suitable for your toddler’s age.

Size and Fit

Headphones that are too big or small can be uncomfortable for your toddler. Choose headphones that fit well and have adjustable headbands.

Volume Limits

To prevent hearing damage, it’s crucial to choose headphones with volume limits. Look for headphones with a maximum volume limit of 85 decibels.


Babies can be rough with toys, and headphones are no anomaly. Select headphones that are robust and long-lasting enough to resist travel-related deterioration.

Wired or Wireless

Wired headphones can be a tripping hazard, especially if your toddler is still learning to walk. Wireless headphones can give your toddler more freedom of movement.

Top Headphones for Toddlers on Planes

Now that you know what you are looking for in headphones for toddlers on planes, here we suggest some top headphones on the market:

1. LilGadgets Connect+ Pro Kids Headphones

The LilGadgets Connect+ Pro Kids Headphones are perfect for toddlers on planes. They have a volume limiter to prevent hearing damage and are durable enough to withstand the wear and tear of travel. Additionally, they are lightweight and have a soft, comfortable fit.

2. Puro Sound Labs PuroQuiet Kids Headphones

The Puro Sound Labs PuroQuiet Kids Headphones have a volume limiter and noise-canceling technology to reduce background noise on the plane. They also have long battery life and come with a hard case to protect them during travel.

3. Mokata Kids Headphones

The Mokata Kids Headphones are another excellent option for toddlers on planes. They have a volume limiter and come in fun colors that kids will love. Moreover, they are reasonably priced, rendering them a desirable choice for parents on a budget.

4. Noot Products Kids Headphones

The Noot Products Kids Headphones have a volume limiter and are comfortable for toddlers. Their tangle-free cord makes them easy to use on planes.

Best wireless toddler headphones for plane

When choosing the Best wireless toddler headphones for planes, it’s essential to consider factors such as volume limits, comfort, and durability. The LilGadgets Connect+ Pro Kids Headphones and Puro Sound Labs PuroQuiet Kids Headphones are excellent options that meet these criteria. These headphones, including a volume restriction, are suitable for children to wear and are robust enough to survive everyday wear and tear while traveling. The LilGadgets headphones are also lightweight, while the Puro Sound Labs headphones have noise-canceling technology to reduce background noise. Overall, these headphones are fabulous for parents looking for wireless headphones for their toddlers on planes. 

Top headphones for a 2-year-old to use on a plane.

Choosing the Best headphones for a 2-year-old on a plane requires extra consideration for their small head size and delicate ears. The Mokata Kids Headphones and the Noot Products Kids Headphones are great options for toddlers in this age range. The Mokata headphones have a comfortable and adjustable headband and a volume limiter, which keeps the sound levels safe for young ears. The Noot Products headphones are also adjustable, have a built-in volume limiter, and a durable and tangle-free cord. Both headphones have fun and colorful designs that are appealing to young children. Overall, these headphones are fabulous for parents who want a safe and comfortable listening experience for their 2-year-olds on a plane.

Headphones for 1 year old on plane

When finding Headphones for a 1-year-old on the plane, it’s essential to prioritize safety and comfort. The Snug Play+ Kids Headphones and the CozyPhones Kids Headphones are excellent options for this age range. The Snug Play+ headphones have a volume limiter to protect delicate ears and are designed with soft padding to ensure comfort. They also have a durable and tangle-free cord for added convenience. The CozyPhones headphones have a similar volume limiter and soft headband but with the added benefit of being a headband/headphone combination. This design helps keep the headphones securely in place while providing comfort for little ones. Overall, both headphones are excellent choices for parents who want a safe and comfortable listening experience for their 1-year-olds on a plane.

Toddler headphones noise canceling

Toddler headphones noise canceling are an excellent option for toddlers who might be bothered by the noise of an airplane or other loud environments. The Puro Sound Labs PuroQuiet Kids Headphones and the LilGadgets Connect+ Pro Kids Headphones are excellent for toddler noise-canceling headphones. With a safe volume restriction for young ears, the PuroQuiet headphones’ cutting-edge active noise-canceling technology may minimize background noise by up to 22 dB. The LilGadgets headphones also have noise isolation features that can help reduce background noise, making them an excellent choice for sensitive ears. Both headphones are durable, comfortable, and easy to use, making them excellent options for parents looking for noise-canceling headphones for their toddlers.

Toddler wireless headphones for plane

Toddler wireless headphones for planes can be a game-changer for parents looking to keep their little ones entertained during long flights. The safety and comfort of your child come first in the design of the best toddler wireless headphones. These headphones usually have a volume-limiting feature to protect your child’s ears from loud noises. Additionally, they should be lightweight, easy to use, and durable to withstand any potential rough handling from a toddler. Parents can keep their children happy and occupied on lengthy flights without worrying about upsetting other passengers if they get the correct set of toddler wireless headphones.

Toddler headphones for iPad

Regarding finding Toddler headphones for iPad, the Mokata Kids Headphones and the CozyPhones Kids Headphones are great options. The Mokata headphones come in various fun and colorful designs and have a built-in microphone and volume limiter to ensure safe listening levels. They are also pleasant to wear for extended periods and adjustable. The CozyPhones headphones have a unique headband/headphone combination design that makes them comfortable and secure for little ones to wear while using an iPad. They also have a volume limiter to ensure safe listening levels and are available in various cute and fun designs. Overall, both headphones provide toddlers with a secure and comfortable listening experience using an iPad. 

Best baby headphones for airplane

Although taking a newborn on a flight might be difficult, having a decent set of headphones can help keep the child relaxed and peaceful. The best baby airplane headphones include the Baby Banz Earmuffs, Em’s 4 Bubs Baby Ear Defenders, and the Snug Baby Ear Protector. These headphones are specifically designed for infants and toddlers and offer excellent noise-cancellation features to help block out the noise of the airplane. For example, newborns may wear the Baby Banz Earmuffs for extended periods because of its soft headband and padded ear cups. Em’s 4 Bubs Baby Ear Defenders have a snug fit and adjustable headband, while the Snug Baby Ear Protector is lightweight and easy to store. Whatever option you choose, consider your child’s comfort and safety when selecting the best baby headphones for airplane travel. 

Best headphones for baby on plane

There are a few things to consider while choosing the finest headphones for infants on flights. Firstly, ensure the headphones fit correctly, as babies have sensitive skin and delicate ears. Secondly, you want to ensure the headphones have a volume limiter to protect your baby’s hearing. Lastly, you want to choose headphones that have good sound quality and will keep your baby entertained during the flight. One great option for baby headphones on planes is the LilGadgets Connect+ Pro Kids Headphones, which feature a volume limiter, are comfortable and have excellent sound quality. 


Traveling with toddlers can be stressful, but with the right headphones, parents and kids can be more comfortable. We suggest the best Headphones for toddlers on a plane. When choosing Headphones for toddlers on the plane, consider their age, size and fit, volume limits, durability, and whether to choose wired or wireless headphones. The LilGadgets Connect+ Pro Kids Headphones, Puro Sound Labs PuroQuiet Kids Headphones, Mokata Kids Headphones, and Noot Products Kids Headphones are all excellent options for toddlers on planes.

FAQ’s – Frequently asked questions

Are there specific headphones designed for toddlers to use on planes?

There are headphones specifically designed for toddlers, featuring kid-friendly designs, size adjustments, and volume-limiting capabilities to protect their hearing.

What is volume limiting, and why is it important for toddler headphones on a plane?

Volume limiting is a feature that lowers the headphones’ maximum volume output to a level suitable for young ears. This is crucial in protecting their sensitive ears during extended use, such as on a plane.

Can toddlers use regular headphones during a flight?

While regular headphones can be used, it’s recommended to choose headphones designed for toddlers due to their smaller size, comfortable fit, and safety features like volume limiting.

How do I ensure that the headphones are comfortable for my toddler during a long flight?

Look for headphones with adjustable headbands, cushioned ear pads, and lightweight designs to ensure comfort during extended use. Test the headphones on your toddler before the flight to ensure a proper fit.

Are there wireless options for toddler headphones on a plane?

Yes, there are wireless options available, often using Bluetooth technology. However, before using wireless headphones, consider the flight regulations and potential interference with the plane’s systems.

Can toddler headphones be used with in-flight entertainment systems?

Many toddler headphones come with standard audio jacks, making them compatible with most in-flight entertainment systems. However, it’s advisable to check compatibility before the flight.